Tale as old as time!

I make no secret of my huge love for anything Disney, so following on from seeing the new live version film of Beauty and the Beast I was inspired to make a Beauty and the Beast themed Wedding Cake.


Obviously, the main feature of the cake had to be the red rose with the petals dropping in a cloche. The rose was made from sugar as were the petals which were in the cloche and dropped around the cake.


So as not to distract from the details on the cake the majority of the cake was kept fairly plain.


The logo for the new film was hand painted on the front of the cake in the true colours of black with the red rose.


The words “Tale as old as time” which is a song from the film was also hand painted around the bottom tier of the cake.


The cake was finished in black and red ribbon in line with the colours of the logo.


Completely beautiful and elegant.

Sugar rose with rose petals in a glass dome / cloche

Hand painted film logo in black with red rose detail.


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