A very elegant wedding cake at Cooling Castle Barn


Tiffany and Phil chose a very elegant wedding cake for their wedding at Cooling Castle Barn in the spring of 2017.


Sadly, I never actually got to meet the happy couple in person, but they were very happy with their wedding cake and great to work with.


They chose a classic 4 tier wedding cake design decorated in a deep navy-blue ribbon on all 4 tiers and around the cake board.


The top and 2nd tier were decorated with piping detail of a piped swags and drop pearls.


The 3rd tier was finished with a flat bow and a lovely silver brooch which was a real focal point for the design.


Tiffany and Phil provided their own bespoke wedding cake topper with completed the cake design perfectly.


This cake is simplicity at its very best, totally elegant and beautiful in every way, looking stunning under the spotlight at Cooling Castle Barn.



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