Rebecca and Ryan's Micro Wedding at One Warwick Park


Rebecca and Ryan were married in October 2020, between COVID-19 lockdowns.


The happy couple booked their wedding cake with me back in 2019, long before we had even heard of COVID-19. They were having their wedding at One Warwick Park in Tunbridge Wells and ordered a three-tier wedding cake from our Timeless Classics Range, the Romance design with sugar flowers on the top.


With so many 2020 weddings being postponed, at the ending of lockdown in the summer there was a sudden flurry of weddings taking place. With restrictions placed on numbers for these weddings, guests were limited to either 30 or 15 guests, depending on when the wedding took place and have become known as micro weddings.


Rebecca and Ryan decided to go ahead with their wedding as opposed to postponing it, but this meant they could have far fewer guests than they had originally planned and therefore didn’t need as big a cake as they had ordered.


That was no problem at all, we played around with the sizes of the cake tiers to provide a size of cake more suitable to their now reduced number of guests, and this obviously changed the price of the cake in the bride and groom’s favour!!


So, Rebecca and Ryan had their beautiful micro wedding at One Warwick Park, with a beautiful wedding cake topped with sugar flowers that matched the wedding flowers.


Rebecca and Ryan loved their cake and having seen Rebecca subsequently, she said the day was perfect and that they were so happy to be married and glad that they didn’t decide to postpone.


Photos by Sabrina Stockwell Photography





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