Drip Cake with Easy Blue Drips

I was asked to make a drip cake by a client who had seen a similar cake on an advertisement outside a local coffee shop. The cake was a drip cake, nothing major there, except that the drips were baby blue
There are so many ways of doing drips, "runny icing", white ganache, white chocolate and I am sure there are more but making pale blue can be tricky. I have tried the runny icing effect (water and icing sugar) but this tends to me not give the best effect. I've also tried white ganache, but the best method for me is using chocolate. White chocolate is fine if its left natural or if its painted, but to get the pale blue colour I needed to add a blue colouring.

I am a novice at chocolate work, learning slowly, but I know normal paste colours don't mix with chocolate, causing the chocolate to go hard, you can buy chocolate colouring which I have used but this doesn't seem to give the bright / vibrant colours I want. I also found out that you can add dusting powder to colour chocolate, but when I tried this the chocolate set really quickly, however I have subsequently found out that when this happens you need to more cocoa butter to the chocolate.

So when I saw that Cake Stuff were selling a ready coloured chocolate suitable for drip cakes I was quite keen to give it ago. The product "Chocolate Drip" comes in all sorts of colours, and is quite pricey at £8.45 a bottle, but I decided to try it.

I had an 8 inch round sponge that I had coated in roll out icing, and was unsure how much of the Chocolate Drip I would need, but at that price I decided that I would suffice with one, working the drips from the outside inwards. The top of the cake was absolutely covered in sweets of all types so if there wasn't enough to cover the top it wasn't the end of the  world.

So with scepticism I followed the instructions, very simple, snip the top off the bottle, warm it in the microwave, stir /shape and pour! And, do you know, it really was that easy! The chocolate flowed easily and the effect it created was great, with absolute control, more that enough for the edge of the cake, all across the top and with some left over.

I have to say I was impressed. Still expensive, but for the ease of all the messing around with setting chocolate, colours and getting a great finish I can highly recommend it, just wish it was a little cheaper and they had a metallic range too :)


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