Birthday Cake for a lover of Brockmans Gin

I've recently discovered gin but I must admit I'd never heard of Brockmans! The cake was ordered by a friend of the birthday girl, Penny on behalf of her husband.

The instructions were a cake shaped like a bottle of Brockmans Gin. Now I could have tried to be very clever and made a stand up bottle, but having never made one and the fact that it had to be transported to the venue by Penny's friend I decided not to go down the added stress route and instead make a laying down bottle!

As well as the bottle I thought it would be nice to add a model of the birthday girl (I have never met her so got a description from her friends) sitting on the Gin bottle, but after much thought it would be nice to make the figure a keep sake by making it entirely independent of the actual and placing the figure in a cocktail glass just for fun!

Google was fab for this cake as I could easily find out the bottle details and find the labels to use with the edible printer. Edible prints are a great labour saver and always very impressive to clients.

I purchased the cocktail glass from my local charity shop, who really wanted to sell me 4 glasses but I managed to get away with only buying the one for 50p (bargain). The body of the model was made and inserted in to some sugar paste in the glass and then the glass filled with pearl dragee balls. The skirt was added afterwards to stop the dragee balls falling out.

The cake was a hit even with the friend who collected the cake and had to transport the model in the glass by car very carefully. Even though it was safely packed away in a box its always stressful transporting things like this.


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