Ruby Wedding Cake

Emily was a bride of mine from a couple of years ago, and she recently ordered this beautiful two tier anniversary cake for her parents 40th Ruby Wedding Anniversary.

The brief was a white cake with ruby red decoration with a personalised topper of her mum and dad on the top, but other than that a free reign! As the topper was so detailed I decided to keep the cake simple but elegant, with white icing with red pico dots and red ribbon with a small diamante buckle.

For the topper, Emily sent me many many pictures of her mum and dad and their dog who she also wanted included on the topper, and some details of how the models should be dressed as per one of the photos. The lovely thing about the topper is that its a great keepsake as its fixed on a board on top of the cake which can be lifted off for easy keeping and will keep indefinitely as long as its kept dry.

By all accounts Emily and her parents were thrilled with the cake and especially the topper!


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