The Easter Egg and the Aardvark

I have made several cakes now for the company BMC in London. This is the latest one.

The cakes is based on a software platform called Aardvark which has various releases that run with the letters of the alphabet (sounds like I might know what I'm talking about but I don't really).

The first cake was an Aardvark wearing an orange Bobble Hat (see future posts)

The second was Custard Cream.

The third was a Double Decker bus with an aardvark in an orange bobble hat driving it.

Then there was this one! An Easter Egg with an aardvark popping out the top wearing an orange bobble hat!

The company supplied me with an Easter egg images that they had been using for their release documentation which was a chocolate egg in gold foil. The chocolate egg was made from chocolate fondant icing and sprayed with glaze to give it a shiny look. The gold was painted in Faye Cahill gold. Every time I walked into my cake room it smelt divine and I actually kept thinking it was a real egg when I caught sight of it out the corner of my eye!

I made the Aardvark out of modelling paste along with the bobble hat and inserted in on a long skewer into the cake. I filled the inside of the shell with chocolate pieces to make it look like the broken bits of chocolate had fallen in side the egg as the Aardvark popped out.

The cake was being transported to London by train so the cake had to be very stable so the internal structures were very important with a number of dowels and boards at various points vertically and horizontally to ensure the cake did not move during its journey. I also had to provide a little diagram so that the client knew where the supports were and could cut it easily

Who knows what the next release will be? Something beginning with F no doubt!


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