I wanted to write about the mega road trip I took a couple of weekends ago to deliver two very beautiful cakes. It's complicated and there are so many factors involved that I have put it off as I am not sure how to explain it clearly, but I'll give it ago!
Firstly the issues involved:-
1) Wedding cake booked at Salomons Estate, Tunbridge Wells approx 16 miles west of here and on a good run takes 36 minutes.
2) Gorgeous Blackhorse Inn book a wedding open day there 11-3 on the same day. I've been a recommended supplier there for a number of years so keen to take part. I can deliver the cake and get to the Blackhorse around 11.00 no problem.
3) One of my March 2019 brides has to reschedule her wedding and also does this for the same day. This wedding is at East Quay Whitstable, 31 miles east of me and on a good run takes 43 minutes.
4) Both weddings are at 1.30pm
5) Highways England decide to shut the M20 motorway between junctions 4-6 for the whole weekend to replace a bridge. I live mid way between the two junctions, and my road leads on to the A20. This makes it difficult for me to get a round locally due to the long ques of traffic using the A20 plus all routes to Whitstable, and from Tunbridge Wells to Whitstable send you on the M20 through these junctions!
So it all started to go a bit mad, I didn't want to let down the bride who had rearranged her wedding, in my t&c it does say that delivery may be an issue for rearranged weddings. Sadly I couldn't deliver this cake the day before for many reasons so it was all down to me to get both cakes to their venues on Saturday morning in time for the weddings.
Having spoken to both venues I decided to deliver the original booked cake first to Tunbridge wells as they could be ready for me at 8.30am!!!
I started the day at 6.30am so I could have a relaxing cuppa in bed before the day really began. I loaded up my car with several boxes filling the boot with the seats down, and using the footwells. Luckily I had set up at the Blackhorse wedding open day the day before and had arranged for my daughter to come home from uni for the weekend. Isabella was going to cover the Blackhorse till I got there so that was one thing less for me to be concerned about.
I finally left home at 8.00am a little after I wanted too, a bit too long drinking that cuppa, and drove the 16 miles to Salmomans arriving at 8.45am.
The room was set up but the cake stand wasn't there so I unloaded the car and waited. Once it arrived I set about setting up the cake which took an hour. Finally leaving Salomans at 10.00am.
Now the fun begins! So as to avoid the M20 and the congestion locally to me I decide to avoid the A20/M20 altogether which meant I had to travel up A21, along M25 and down A2 to Whitstable. The traffic wasn't great and I finally arrived at East Quay at 11.45am.
Luckily East Quay were already for me and I unloaded the cake and set it up fairly easily, leaving there at 12.30! I then headed to the Blackhorse arriving there at 1.20 needing another cuppa and food! I stayed there until the end of the open day arriving home at 4.00pm actually having driven full circle. I bought my daughter lunch as a thank you and paid her too (I'm a good mum 🤩🤩🤩🤩)
I don't like to let my clients down in anyway shape or form so it was important to me for these two cakes to be delivered for these two lovely couples despite the obstacles that had been put in my way. It's all part of the service even if it did mean getting up at 6,30am and driving 120 miles, the couples were very happy with their cakes and that makes me happy too!


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