The importance of all that paperwork!

Happy bank holiday to you all!  I have neglected my blog recently after only 2 posts. That's really bad, but I have been so busy!

I will give you a run down of some of my recent cakes

So I am working on a lot of flowers for various cakes at the moment, mostly roses in red, ivory and gold. My cake room looks a bit like a florist. So most evenings when my partner gets home I escape back into my room for an hour to put few more petals on! They are coming along nicely but a long way to go yet.

So my first cake this week, was an American Football cake for the Miami Dolphins. Even though I have been doing this for a long time, sometimes it's good for something to nearly go wrong to remind us why we do all the preparation paperwork etc. I never feel that I stop learning in this job!

I was asked by a dear friend to make a cake for his work colleagues 50th in the theme of Miami Dolphins. This was a few weeks ago and due to holidays the paperwork never got completed we just corresponded by fb messenger as he was in USA with his family. It was only late on Sunday night whilst looking at the pictures I had saved for this cake, that I became concerned about the right logo! So it was quite late, as I started to look at more and more pictures so I could get an icing sheet printed for it. Then BANG!!! It hit me! Miami Dolphins are NOT a baseball team but an American Football team. For some reason I had planned a baseball themed cake rather than football themed. That was lucky, as otherwise I would have made completely the wrong cake! Thankfully disaster averted!

Luckily it all worked out and the right cake was made and collected  and it went down a treat! But this brought home to me the importance of paperwork. I always write an order form for my clients with as much information and as many pictures as possible and send it to them, ask them to check it and return to me. Had I done this on this occasion then the potential error would have been picked up earlier! It's probably the first time I haven't done it!!!

Paperwork does take time, and I may ask you lots of questions, and I know it's a pain to have to send it back to me, but it is a way of preventing mistakes!!! I have learnt my lesson so even my closest friends will get an order form from now on!!

All worked out well in the end!!


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